Connect. Communicate. Learn Video Way

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The digital era has moved on from passive watching to interactive and engaging formats that keep employees or customers engaged and enraptured with the content. With advances in visual technology, the one-dimensional phase is over. So, globally it’s no longer the push but the pull factor at work.

Visual Learning for Organizations

The engagement experience can be a remarkable one if the power of visual learning is put to effective use. In the context of learning, this is a medium that is gaining more visibility within organizations. For instance, IBM uses videos extensively to share news that include – knowing the direction of the company, enabling employees to gain more exposure on existing or new product lines, and to even contrast capability against competition.

Sitting through long presentations or white papers can be boring and doesn’t ensure maximum retention. However,the visual learning method can be quite impactful and energizing,which has gained popularity of late. Using the videos as part of an activity stream is engaging as well as effective. Standing in front of a camera and talking is perhaps a trendy, easy and acceptable mode of transferring knowledge than by sifting through detailed power points.

Eion Dawson of NY Presbyterian notes that embedding a lot of video in their existing learning management system (LMS) has been a crucial component of imparting training, learning, and growth. At his organization, the videos have become a key medium in many ways – from driving messages within the organization to the need to be more aware of patient safety or fire safety or even continuing medical education.

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With extensive data available on the internet, it is how the pre-packaged content is customized to meet a particular organization’s business need that has become important. Videos, according to Eion, have allowed the possibility of increasing internal resources that has helped in addressing the issues of bandwidth and pricing.

Compelling reasons to consider video as a part of the learning frame are the following:

  • Eye-catching
  • Personal
  • The best medium for emotive impact
  • Omnipresent

Rather than slog through 15 pages of a “dense presentation” and try to extract pertinent information, isn’t watching a 2-minute video with nuggets of information more insightful and impactful? After all, video not only facilitates access to condensed, compact, and compelling information but is also an efficient and engaging medium!

The face-to-face connect possible through videos is certainly a refreshing and better way of learning compared to written, audio, or infographic formats. Therefore, personalized learning is definitely fun than pouring over lengthy presentations.

Learning is ideal when an emotional chord is struck between the trainer and the trainee. Once again, video offers that emotional impact of a real person communicating outside of actually being there.

With the adoption of the latest technology catching up regardless of age, that the visual mode is everywhere seems to be an understatement! The conversation is no longer just about video but has shifted to using it innovatively and effectively within organizations, especially in the context of skill development.



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