Learning the ‘Dinosaur’ way!

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Dinosaurs have always been confined to textbook till the globally-renowned Steven Spielberg brought the ‘extinct’ characters to life on the big screen! Who can forget the world-wide ‘wow’ phenomenon of this Director’s 1993-film Jurassic Park! From a kid to an adult, the impact was beyond the scope of imagination. The relevance is so historic that even the uninitiated movie goers got a taste of Dinosaurs that existed 231.4 million years ago (source: Wiki) in the Triassic period. Ditto was the experience of the 1975 movie Jaws or the 1982 film ET the Extra Terrestrial.

Learning the Dinosaur waySo, what is the relevance of the Spielberg movie success in business, you may wonder. Well, for starters you will agree that pictures say a thousand (1000) words. Of course, that is the power that a visual medium can have on individuals. Then, is it not better to use the visual medium as a learning tool? Statistics say it! Do you know 4 billion videos are watched daily on the internet? That works to a staggering 3 billion hours plus visual content appealing to the senses that matter! The scope of using it in the upskilling and other learning and development framework is immense.

Confirmation of the global appetite for this trendy medium is captured by CISCO. Few months ago, the networking giant released a Visual Networking Index report tracking the latest trends, wherein it said, video will represent 72% of total mobile data traffic, up from 55% last year!

Learning need not any longer spell boredom! Organizations are globally tapping and exploring all kinds of growth opportunities and avenues. Using this as an effective tool, the learning chapters of a company can become a vital component of its growth plans. Having to stay on top of the market, making intelligent moves, staying ahead of competition are some of the many other ingredients that a business needs to focus on.

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Rather than reading reams and reams of text that tends to put many of us into sleep mode, the Video (visual) way of learning can certainly be engaging and far more impactful. Even at the prestigious, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), this method is catching the fancy of learners! When students watch short videos and then have the opportunity to ask questions and get an answer, they are able to move information from short-term memory to long-term. If we make sure they understand the information before they move onto to the next video this allows for mastery learning. By watching videos and taking part in a Q & A session, you force retrieval learning. We can do that for the first time with online learning, and that’s the reason we’re doing online [courses],”says Sanjay Sarma, director of MIT’s Office of Digital Learning. To know the how an instructor resorted to this medium to keep his students engaged, check the link here

If e-learning has struck a chord, then it’s time to explore video learning. Why not spend just 3 minutes to watch the effect that this approach offers? Click here to feel the impact that a peppy video can do (BoT Videos, creators of this clip explain in simple terms the power of videos). Got you curious? Options are many – cloud-based tools, such as Rapt Media, The Mad Video and Vidzor that help to create videos that are more interactive, personalized and engaging. Free tools like YouTube has a viewership base that is mind-boggling, triggering competition with even Facebook. Organizations must explore the world of video learning and exploit it by tailoring courses suited to its needs.

ALSO READ :   Workplace Learning Trends in 2018

BoT: What’s a VIDEO worth? from BoT Videos on Vimeo.

Time right to embrace the video-based learning to get on the highway of business! You will tend to agree that video learning has the potential to become the dinosaur of the L&D culture creating an equally ever-lasting impact for a stretch of along with other disruptive technologies.


Infographic Credit – Cisco – Visual Networking Index

Video Credit – BoT: What’s a VIDEO worth? from BoT Videos on Vimeo

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