How Do Competitions help in Exposing Talent

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Unearthing hidden talents in an organization can be a challenging exercise. This is so as it primarily involves getting people to participate, the jury coming to unanimous decision and the allocation of resources in terms of people as well as time. But what do such efforts signify? As you read, you will not only nod your head but also appreciate the not so directly visible learning lessons that are possible.

How Do Competitions help in Exposing Talent

On a Friday, when the ‘TGIF’ syndrome typically kicks in, at Origin Learning it was a discovery of sorts. Don’t forget it was also Halloween time! Collaboration, competitive spirit, innovative bent, ideation, team work, creativity, inspirational work and many more facets of individuals came to the forefront. Secondly, the output showcased (see pictures) left a ‘wow’ effect that reflects the capabilities of highly-talented people who highlight the organization culture.

Mention rain and the first thing that may strike you is an umbrella, right? If you are wondering the sudden relevance of this line in a blog then you will be surprised to note that the simple rain-saving equipment can be extremely relevant to learning too! ‘Funbrella’ was a term coined to get employees to participate in the Friday competition. The task was to form a 3-member team which had to use a ‘black’ umbrella to paint and bring out its best creative expression. The activity had to be completed within an hour’s time.

Upon evaluation, the spectacle of colors and creative spirit that were unleashed brought forth an energy that led to spontaneous applause. The themes explained to the jury showed the involvement and thorough understanding of the employees. What did the bouquet of umbrellas look like? A dancing peacock supported by  ‘worli’  work, an ethnic art form used on fabrics and walls; a merry-go-round capturing the carnival spirit and fun element at work; a desert scene magnificently portraying the magic of sunset; water conservation; a watery reflection and so on. If these are seen as common creatives, then the master stroke was the use of social media icons on an umbrella! Could you have ever imagined that the use of icons of FB, Google Hangout, Twitter, What’s app and Skype was possible on an umbrella? Isn’t this itself a branding campaigner’s delight? From a learning context, what are the things that this contest was able to bring out?

  • Blended approach
  • Clarity of concept
  • Break down of tasks
  • Ideate by using innovation plank
  • Time management
  • Spotting extraordinary talent
  • Design sensibilities
  • Execution capabilities
  • Using technology and other relevant captivating themes
  • Simple affordable materials effectively used
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