What Is The Difference Between SCORM And Tin Can API?

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Until now, we have told you separately what SCORM and Tin Can API are. In this post, we’ll tell you the similarities and differences between them.

SCORM is the most widely used e-learning standard as it allows any SCORM conformant content to be operated with any SCORM conformant LMS and vice versa, thus saving huge amount of resources that would have to be spent on tailoring each piece of content to every different LMS. Tin Can API is like an extrapolation of SCORM that was created when it was realized that a lot of employee learning actually takes place outside the LMS. Consequently, Tin Can API lets organizations paint a more realistic picture of the entire learning environment of a learner.

What Is The Difference Between SCORM And Tin Can API

While several tasks such as tracking time, completion, pass/failure, reporting a single score can be done equally well by SCORM, it is incapable in many other areas. The Tin Can API can track offline and informal learning– something that SCORM cannot. Moreover, tracking data from different sources such as mobile learning, serious games and simulations, interactive and team based learning, real world performance, and blended learning is possible only with the Tin Can API as it can simultaneously track many learners and allow for platform transition (computer to mobile to tablet – however the need be).

From a conceptual perspective, the function of both SCORM and Tin Can API is the same – that is, to capture learning activities. However, Tin Can is able to do it in much more detail by digging deeper into everyday learning experiences. The new approach to statements in the form of Noun, Verb, Object (for e.g., “John watched a video on process engineering design”) makes it possible to track general activities. On the contrary, SCORM does it in a very restrictive way as its content can only be played via a LMS. Besides, it cannot work without an internet connection and is browser dependent, unlike Tin Can API which can still send statements to a Learning Record Store (LRS) if internet is unavailable. Later, when connection resumes, the activities get upgraded.

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As you might have already guessed, Tin Can API is the new way forward as it will help you capture data from multiple sources and facilitate blended learning. For organizations that are still on SCORM, fret not as it IS possible to make SCORM content work in a Tin Can system.


SCORM vs The Tin Can API


Mobile Learning case study

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