Why should you use mobile learning for sales training?

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Most often we prefer ‘walk-the-talk’, ‘internet-on-the-go’ and several other mobile technological solutions. Every business sector is now trying new methods to train its employees and to bring in a change in their learning curve so as to gain an edge among their competitors. Once you’re out in the real world, class room training becomes obsolete. There are several ways to keep yourself updated and mobile phones seem to be a prime choice among many. These mobile gadgets come in handy especially when you are on the go and are indeed a treasure for all those sales personnel who often spend most of their days on field. Be it door-to-door sales or business-to-business, sales representatives have one thing in common: They have no time to spare, especially for class-room trainings. Various mobile learning technologies are now banking on this fact to make hay.

Why should you use mobile learning for sales training

How it started?

Companies took their time in moving from the traditional classroom training to online training methods using desktops and laptops. Now this did not seem like a favorable move according the sales teams and the ‘why?’ is an obvious. These sales representatives were mostly on field and transition from one stable place like the classroom to another like the cubicle was not all that phenomenal. It was not long before the trainers realized this gaping hole and found the one viable option that could be the answer. Mobile learning has now become the rage among sales representatives when it comes to training.

Why is it a treasure?

Sales representatives spend 90 percentage of their time on field and are always on the go. Hence it is a given that they may not be able to spend time in class-room trainings. Some even cringe when they hear, “you’ve got training sessions today”. This being the case, mobile learning is so much faster, easier, portable, available anytime and very reliable. The sales executives can make use of this time saving method to keep them updated on all that they need to know.

ALSO READ :   How to Choose the Ideal Learning Strategy to Design and Deliver Virtual Training?

What can you access?

The mLearning portal makes it possible for you to access some of the most vital material when it comes to sales and marketing. Product portfolio, brochures, product features, Unique selling points, FAQ by the clients, certain demonstration videos, quick help from an expert, comparison with the competitors’ products, etc. It is possible to access all these information while on the go anywhere, anytime. mLearning makes it possible.

How are the employers benefited?

mLearning is beneficial not just for the trainees but also for the employers. Most of the resources like time, space, money, trainer’s time, etc. are saved making it very useful for the company as well.

How to make the most out of mLearning?

Through mLearning, it is possible for the sales representatives to refresh on an old query, keep them updated on the new technologies and new releases by the company, easy transfer of how-tos’, etc. It is also possible for the employer to keep a track on your training which could also be used to their credit. It is also possible to collaborate with other team members using mLearning thereby creating a better sense of team playing.

mLearning has now become the future in several fields including medicine. This proves to be of greater help to the sales team and would bring in better results if utilized properly.

 Mobile Learning case study


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