Latest Trends In Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management is one of the crucial areas of overall business management. In fact, it can be aptly called as the backbone of an organization because it provides the human capital without which it’s impossible to conduct business. Changes in technology combined with a shift in industries’ dynamics and attitudes of people have transformed the role of HR. Here, we have compiled key trends that are shaping the way HRM is evolving:

Latest trends In Human Resource Management

Social Media

Employers are scouting for new candidates on social networking websites. Yes, LinkedIn plays a key role but employers also run a basic background check of potential candidates on social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter to see how they express themselves. This may seem like ‘Big Brother’ watching, but from a HR perspective it offers an insight into the mind of people whom they are looking to hire. It may soon become a norm for employers to ask applicants to share details of their social media accounts.

Big Data

Big data is being used in two ways. On one hand, recruiters are using analytics to predict what kind of employees will do best in a job; say by finding the correlation between employee productivity and academic performance. On the other hand, with big data producing so much information, the onus is on HR to present all that information in a way that becomes comprehensible and engaging, say by storytelling. 

Career Development

Gone are the days when organizations could take employee loyalty for granted. Attitudes have changed as people have become more career centric. They want jobs that not only compensate them, but also help them grow professionally. HRM must either chalk out career development paths for their employees or bear the brunt of losing them. The developments in learning technology are further making it possible for HR Managers to dissolve the traditional “training” programs and make learning and talent development an inherent part of the work culture. 

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Work-Life Balance

Last but definitely not the least, the rise of technology has made it possible for employees to maintain better work-life balance. Learning programs that can be conducted online, webinars and virtual conferences as well as the possibility to work from remote locations are all making it possible for people to balance their personal and professional lives according to their preferences. It is however, upon HR Managers to use their acumen and design work roles in such a way that employees perform to their best without feeling over-burdened.

Skilling your employees in the manner that is most relevant to their job also has a huge bearing on their involvement and productivity. Thus, HRM must collaborate with the L&D team to ensure that the training and development programs being delivered to the employees meet the needs of the organization.

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