Skills you need as an Instructional Designer

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Are you tired of seeing heavy content slides? Do teaching methods and strategies appear far from being comprehensible? Well! An Instructional designer is just what you need! A skillful Instructional designer brings to you both technology and learning combined together not only in a digestible format but also at an appetising pace.

An Instructional designer breaks down content that involves any learning material, into something that is easy to comphrehend; he or she also creates the content to be appealing to the target audience.

Skills you need as an Instructional DesignerHere are lists of essential Skills you need as an Instructional Designer:

  • First things First! A skillful Instructional Designer (ID) breaks away from formal and heavy content. As an instructional designer, you will have to translate such formal and heavy content into instructional curriculum in an innovative manner, in other words your goal is to make  what is not understandable understable,  and what is complicated uncomplicated, once you are done in making such didactic knowledge a lot more simpler, your next goal is to use this ‘already simplified knowledge’ in producing desirable learning outcomes among your target audience.
  • A skillful instructional Designer creates a forum where learning takes place, if you want your content to look appealing, simply delivering facts and content will not help at all!  It also means involving meaningful activities and exercises that can help facilitate the process of learning to a larger extent. Thus, learning becomes more of a fun thing to do!
  • A skillful instructional designer should have the knack of wearing various hats i.e. an ID should not make room for biased thinking while creating an instructional curriculum; rather a skillful ID should give his or her heart and mind in designing content.
  • There are many problems to be solved when it comes to instructional design, making sense to the audience is not always an easy task and hence problems may arise while simplifying content, other problems may include technical issues, meeting deadlines, sticking to a budget, etc.A skilful instructional designer learns to tackle such problems. He or she learns to provide solutions to such problems, thereby working as a Problem solver too.
  • The power of innovation lies solely in the hands of the instructional designer, a company is always on a look out for Instructional Designers who break away from traditional and stereotypical methods of producing instructional curriculum or course content, as an instructional designer your skill will be in mastering innovative methods in teaching the target audience.
  • A skillful instructional designer sets the layout of a course content well in advance. He focuses on the look and feel of the layout and determines how the course content should function and be organised. He acts as an architect building an attractive and unique layout for the target audience before the actual construction takes place.
  • In today’s technologically advanced world, it’s essential for the instructional designer to be a media expert, he or she should be technology friendly and should have the knack of facilitating such course content easily through course development softwares, and in other words the instructional designer should feel comfortable in knowing such softwares.
  • A skillful ID is not only good at what he or or she does, but also has the ability to manage a project even with a larger team.
  • Last but not the least, its essential for the Instructional Designer to put themselves in the shoes of the learner, to understand the needs of the learner and thereby bridge the gap between the learner and the course content.
ALSO READ :   Your Ticket to Great Instructional Design

Thus, as a skillful Instructional Designer you will be meeting solves the needs of the learner and facilitates the process of learning in an innovative manner.

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One comment

  1. What about business acumen? Being able to analyse performance gaps? The ability to understand the business problems that you are trying to solve.

    It seems to me like you just think of Instructional Designers as content creators.

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