Origin Learning Wishes You a Happy World Environment Day!

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June 5 – the day when the global community goes beyond all constructed differences of race, religion and gender and unitedly stands for the one binding force that is the creator and sustainer of all life- our environment. Across industries, people are realizing the growing need to act now or repent later when it comes to saving the environment. Ways and means of sustainable development are being pushed through in every country and continent.

World Environment Day - Origin LearningAt Origin Learning, we feel proud to be in a business where we not only make better performers out of people, but also save environment along the way. We champion eLearning and mLearning solutions which are inherently eco-friendly technologies because they:

  • Save Paper: And thus save trees. Simple Math tells us that a classroom session of thirty learners, each with five-page hard copy notes wastes 150 pages, that being a conservative estimate on the printed material! With eLearning and/or mLearning, you can have as many pages as you want without the guilt of chopping trees away as you read. Not to forget all the paper that gets saved because of learners’ notes being saved on memory cards/ hard drives instead of being handwritten.
  • Save Fuel: Online learning solutions from Origin Learning not only put your learners in a convenient and flexible position to learn at will, but also save fuel that is spent in physically travelling to the point of training. Lesser travel means a smaller carbon footprint and a greener environment.

So while you assess the learning needs of your workforce, we work on how that can be done in a greener, cleaner way. Because, the environment is as close to our heart as it is to yours.

ALSO READ :   Trends in Learning: What's Latest!

A very Happy World Environment Day from Origin Learning!


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