Learning the Ukulele way…

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Does the word ‘ukulele’ ring a bell? If it does, then, you need not look any further. But if you are among those, who are hearing this word for the first time, then read on as this post tries to unearth a trick or two or get the learner more tuned in to the altering landscape of learning!

[pullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Sometimes, the best way to overcome challenges in learning is by keeping the surfing exercise on. Your quest to learn, improve and upgrade a skill-set will lead you to your goal… try testing it![/pullquote]
Learning the Ukulele way 20 hours of learningSo, before we come to the crux of this post, let’s first try and put forth a few questions to ourselves:

Have you ever felt grossly incompetent?
Are you familiar with the 10,000 hours rule in the context of learning?
Will you have 45 minutes to spare every day?

In short, these are teasers that are aimed at tickling the brain to think in a particular way!

This blog post can confirm to learners that sometimes, the best way to overcome challenges in learning is by keeping the surfing exercise on. Your quest to learn, improve and upgrade a skill-set will lead you to your goal… try testing it! You will meet with success. And, before we suggest you to watch a video to understand the ukulele and its relevance to learning, four key points that the post seeks to highlight are:

  1. Deconstruct the skill
  2. Learn enough to self-correct
  3. Remove practice barriers
  4. Finally, practice at least 20 hours!
ALSO READ :   Maslow, Confucius and 3 keys to operate in Dragon land!

Now, we recommend you to watch the magic of Josh Kaufman and the ukulele experience unfold right before your eyes! Learning ‘in the moment’ is what will make you not only curious but also more insightful!


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