Learning gets social, emotional, progressive!

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Walmart is a giant of a brand! It has redefined ATM (any time money). The NYSE-listed entity is ‘helping people globally save money and live better – anytime and anywhere.’ Look at its mind-boggling customer population: 260 million customers, who visit 11,504 stores under 65 banners in 28 countries with e-commerce websites in 11 countries! At the base of it all, it employs over 2 million associates world-wide. In effect, the internal customers shoot up its customer family size by the same figure!

Now, watch this video. Did you notice the progressively ‘smart’ and ‘social’ way of ‘strategically selling’ a story? But then, it has worked! Isn’t it an efficient use of a social platform at workplace?How a new associate in her role polishes communication skills! How she rises up in ranks! What were the training inputs and insights she received that helped her become a leader, responsible for 380 associates?

Learning gets social, emotional, progressive!

Sharing this compelling, experiential, engaging, and believable story of the associate on a social platform is a win-win for all stakeholders. Apart from motivating colleagues at work, the flow of information on a social platform reflects transparency to record and reward meritocracy. The choice of platform indicates that learning is not boring. It has all the potential to cause the ripple effect. Choosing to use authentic data points and a tracking mechanism to measure progressive growth, the under-2 minute Walmart clip has proved that exciting performance-backed efforts can make learning fun, enthusing, and pervasive. When learning becomes inclusive and collaborative,it ceases to be a forced exercise. Learning in spheres at workplace can bring out innovative solutions and novel outcomes.

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One step is all it takes to keep moving ahead. The slow or fast pace of the steps depends on how gripping or influential the story of experience is. This can be compared to the preferences of individuals when it comes to choosing their genre of entertainment in the sphere of movies – which could be a thriller, a musical, or even a sci-fi Star Wars kind of experience!

Therefore, if such merit-based performance-driven stories of people who are from remote locations find a platform to showcase their growth journey, then leveraging technology to nurture talent becomes easy and works best.

Walmart’s 2015 investment of $2.7 billion on higher wages, education, and training has to be understood, absorbed, and contextualized. Those are tell-tale facts that will incite people to be up to date with the developmental strides taken by the retail giant. The story only got better. What has made this remarkable achievement possible? How can a social platform be deployed effectively at work? Why should this information merit a place in a blog post of an e-learning organization?

Origin Konnect Offer

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXFUHNfK464


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