Learn the ‘Fika’ aspect to productivity…

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[pullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]How would you react if you were told that ‘synchronized’ coffee breaks led to 2 notable achievements for a company – profits soaring and swelling to $15 million; 10% employee satisfaction reported! [/pullquote]

Ever heard of coffee breaks being a vital factor for raising productivity? Talks or chats near the cooler are passé’! How would you react if you were told that ‘synchronized’ coffee breaks led to 2 notable achievements for a company – profits soaring and swelling to $15 million; 10% employee satisfaction reported!

learn the fika aspect to productivityFika!! Stumped by the word? Well, the first thing we do on encountering this word is launch a google search and presto! The search engine’s answer is: Fika (pronounced fee-ka) is a Swedish custom, a kind of social coffee break where people gather to have a cup of coffee or tea and a few nibbles. Fika is such an important part of life in Sweden that it is both a verb and a noun.

Still wondering the linkage, significance and relevance of coffee breaks or fika to an organization’s productivity? For starters, collective restoration is what a Fika promises. Redefining leadership that taps the immense potential of social connectedness can have a positive impact on the productivity graph. Watch and hear this and many more cues from Margaret Heffernan in the 2000th Ted Talk that unlocks the doors of improving productivity by a stretch of imagination (read transformation in thinking) through tried and tested experiments!

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