How Virtual Reality is Changing the Way We Travel

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Google Maps has already changed the way we navigate. Besides giving accurate directions to your destination, complete with traffic and different modes of transport, the Street View has brought virtually every street, landmark, shop and corner of the world on the display screen of your computer, tablet and phone. But that’s not enough.

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The next generation of virtual reality is here. Future cockpits that have highly advanced features like voice activation and synthetic vision is all set to change the face of travel as we know it. A ‘Concept Flight Deck’ designed by American multi-national conglomerate Honeywell is a simulator designed to immerse pilots in a virtual world. Two key features stand out in this amazing cockpit of the near future:

Synthetic Vision

Bad weather, especially thick clouds undermine the flying experience. So the synthetic or x-ray vision allows pilots to see a virtual version of the world, even through clouds on a Heads-up Display which is a glass screen mounted in front of the eyes. This definitely has the potential to make flying an easier, efficient and faster experience for both pilots as well as passengers.

Voice Activation

Touch screen and voice activation systems that can help pilots to fly the plane by using voice commands. Different accents, grammar- no issues!

Next-gen systems from companies like Honeywell, Oculus (Rift) and Sony (Morpheus) are deploying virtual reality to provide absolutely real-like travelling experiences. From the convenience of your location, you can indulge in scuba diving in the Red Sea, enjoy the view of London like you’d do from your balcony or walk through the Grand Canyon. The addition of highly interactive and responsive elements make this truly a virtually ‘real’ experience. Through a joystick, a user can control his navigation and the objects in the virtual world adjust their proximity by detecting the position and orientation of the human head. The underlying idea is not to replace the travel industry all together but to encourage people to physically travel by giving them a snapshot of the place.

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Virtual Reality has always been awe-inspiring. Pilot training programs, governments as well as resource-rich organizations currently use virtual-reality to immerse their trainees into rich and life-like learning experiences. But as the travel and aviation industries have successfully applied it in innovative ways, we are all excited about what virtual-reality could do to future learning systems.

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