How to Transfer Your Regular Training to Mobile Learning

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Adding mobile learning to a training program is one of the best ways to acknowledge and leverage the technological devices that your employees already have. However, it is important to make the right first moves when transferring elements of your training to the mobile learning format.

How to Transfer Your Regular Training to Mobile Learning

Take a rational LMS decision

Many a times, organizations are reluctant to change their LMS when integrating mobile learning to their existing training format. This may be because of two reasons: either you do not want to go through the hassle of overhauling your system, because learning doesn’t change the world after all; or you feel that upgrading your LMS regularly is enough to fit your new mobile-integrated strategy. Well, research has shown that jobs that promise a high rate-of-learning for employees are being preferred over jobs that pay more but lead to stagnating careers.  On the other hand, this techno-competition driven business world is driving the demand for talent and leading organizations are acting by stacking skilled labour and expertise to stay ahead. In that sense, learning is indeed changing the world. If you choose to stay behind, you’ll lose out on both- good talent and good business. It is important to take a rational and wise LMS decision at the right time, and give mobile learning its fair share of importance.

Have a mobile-centered content strategy

Dedicate a team that works exclusively on content that you will put for mobile learning. Mobile learning is NOT simply transferring all elearning on the phone. The small screen has its unique opportunities and challenges, and presents huge opportunities for on-the-job and just-in-time learning. The team should plan, design, govern and maintain the content to keep it relevant and agile. Guide your instructional designers to put themselves in the shoes of learners so that the content strategy is mobile-centered rather than just being mobile-supportive.

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Responsive UI

The fact that ‘Responsive UI’ is being emphasized on everywhere itself is proof of the fact that learning can no longer afford to be passive. If it does, it is at the cost of losing learners’ interest. Mobile learning is your chance at getting the already ‘mobile-tablet-iPad addicted’ workforce to be in active control of its learning. Direct the course on user-based actions, embed competitive quizzes and simple games; all it takes for mobile learning to be interactive is to unleash your creative side. Keep the different types of devices in mind so that user experience is enhanced and uniform throughout.

Blend it with other formats

Very important. Mobile learning is not an end in itself, it is a means to an end. Give mobile learning its due importance but also see how it is going to fit in your overall training and development strategy. Use it where tit-bits of information are more useful, for example in reinforcing concepts taught through classroom-based or elearning courseware; or to provide real time industry news to your employees; or for facilitating 24/7 learning that adjusts to employees’ working times and styles.

The possibilities are endless and the format is exciting. Careful planning and attention to detail should drive the endeavors towards transferring your regular training to mobile learning. Do remember to conduct a pilot-test after an initial design and installation before you finally take off!

When are you planning to go mobile?

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