How many times have you discarded watching a video that started buffering decently but refuses to budge after sometime? If you’re already counting in your mind, you’re not alone. The current data download speeds may not always be as reliable as you want them to be. We give you personality points if you’re one of those who have the patience to stream and watch videos over 2G. 3G networks, on the other hand, have pretty good speeds but again- you can’t always depend on them. To put it in simple words, your 3G data network often gives you only 2G speed, while you’re left cringing to the network gods so that you can resume that important task which needs to be done.
A report by Ericsson predicts that by the end of 2018 the mobile data traffic will increase by 12-fold compared to the current data traffic. How will the current networks which already face so much downtime handle such a humongous demand? Here’s when 4G LTE saves the day. You’ve probably heard of the term before, especially with most new smartphones bombarding ads featuring this new technology. So why all this hullabaloo? They have good reason.
In layman terms, 4G LTE is mobile broadband. The speeds that you usually get on your laptop/desktop with broadband, is available for the mobile platform with 4G LTE. This technology which functions on wireless networks, is an answer for progressively bandwidth hungry applications.
Workplace learning being far from just classroom based, has high stakes in the commercial availability of 4G networks. Organizations are adopting mobile learning formats for their employees, and thus need the support of a thriving data network that can let them deliver all kinds of learning content to their employees without any hindrances. This is particularly true for videos. Videos are an excellent media for imparting knowledge about live things, for example teaching how a certain task needs to be done or how something works. However, if a video takes too long a time to download, it may lead to the viewer losing interest- something that will turn out to be a negative investment of time. 4G LTE eliminates this risk. It also enables higher data handling which gives it a greater capacity- that is, about four to five times the current number of people can share the same signal.
Gamification is a hot trend that’s rising up the horizon of learning fast enough, research has shown. Games will get more complex, offering multi-player scenarios that would connect learners sitting in different parts of the world. 4G LTE is what such games need because of its ability to reduce delays in accepting and processing commands, and the making the gaming experience smooth and useful.
Echo and lag-free video calls, live TV anywhere- the possibilities are endless and exciting. And once 4G LTE becomes widely accessible, users will be unstoppable, and so will be learning.