Day 3 @ ATD 2015 ICE

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Day 3 of the ATD Expo began on an interesting, no-frills note with Sugata Mitra taking the center stage for his keynote session on “Who taught the termites civil engineering?” As he got straight to the point with his insights from an experiment he ran in an Indian slum in the late 90s: Placing a simple internet-connected computer in a hole-a-wall 3-feet from the ground and offering no support to the children in figuring out what the device was, Mitra explained that children don’t need teachers.All they need is broadband, collaboration and encouragement. Listeners were in complete awe as Mitra traced down the history of education since 100 years ago and linking it to the current state of affairs where learning is uber advanced and all prevalent.

Sugata Mitra ATD 2015Another session was an interesting one by Mike Parkinson on how to make better infographics. “To make good infographics, we need to first have a good conceptual approach to communication: Think of your audience, define your message and then explain or prove your point”, he said as he also gave tips on how to chunk content for infographics. “A good message has to have a blend of benefit and required action”, Parkinson explained.

In his session, “Bringing context to your (e)learning”, Ethan Edwards highlighted the common mistake of instructional designers when they confuse e-learning with simply putting a PowerPoint presentation (words + images) into a system. With the help of a great example of a bad e-learning module for truck safety at a railroad crossing, he emphasized the fact that e-learning unless contextual, is largely ineffective. Key takeaways from his 5 ideas on bringing context –

ALSO READ :   ATD ICE 2015 Kicks off with Concurrent Sessions on Day 1!

Create a specific meaningful environment

Use story

Insert the learner into the action

Embrace purpose

..And finally, create a sense of adventure.

Our team from  Origin Learning is exhibiting at ATD 2015 to showcase some of our award winning solutions in e-learning, m-learning and social learning. Visit us in Exhibit Hall – 102 and let us show you how we can help you make learning fun, engaging and effective.

Mobile Learning case study

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