Customer Connect, Social Media, and Animals!

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It isn’t just man and machines anymore…even an animal can fit in a customer-connect strategy. Time to switch the gear in the sphere of learning! For a fast lane experience, organizations may have to start looking at ways and means of harnessing the power of social media effectively given the interesting insights that it has to offer to a curious learner. The quest to improve efficiency, upskill oneself, to become focused, and take on greater responsibilities exposes one to the new-age digital media for learning and development-related activities too. An effective social media strategy and engagement can result in delightful business outcomes.

Customer Connect, Social Media, and Animals!-AirlineTo emphasize this trend, take the case of a well-known airline which generates €100,000 every week in direct sales on social media. Last year, it achieved €25 million in social media revenue. From airline to auto to toy makers, real-time experiences of exploiting this medium have been a positive one!

The airline brand has built a 3-pillar social media foundation – service, brand reputation, and commerce to effectively engage with its customers. Direct touch point with the customers was possible as a data crunching of 70,000 messages was done week on week! Instead of directing the customer feedback to the website for redressal, the airline used timely action and managed to address pain points directly by using the social media channel. New touch point and a 30-minute response time meant improved business outcomes for the airline. iPad on Board, a social CRM, and the introduction of a novel lost and found service paid rich dividends for the airline. Making sales social by design and creating stuff worth sharing are two aspects that the airline has successfully tested.

ALSO READ :   What drives Social Media Learning?



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