Can Elearning Improve Productivity?

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One of the most elementary goals of any business is to increase its productivity. Irrespective of the industry that you operate in, you would always want that you get greater output per unit of input that you invest in the form of time, number of people involved at their different levels of pay and various monetary and other resources.

Elearning Improve Productivity

In an effort to increase it, innumerable studies have been conducted across organizations of different industries to determine the causes of low employee productivity. A few reasons are common to the results of all these studies: low employee motivation and poor management.

Now the question we asked ourselves is whether the current ways in which employees and their learning is managed at the workplace be made better with technology? Let us find out.

Employee motivation can be low because of many reasons. May be your employees don’t really know what exactly their roles are vis-a-vis their colleagues. The result of this mostly is that your employees keep passing work around, claiming it is not their responsibility or playing blame games if anything goes wrong. The ultimate results are- ineffective solutions, unmet deadlines and (may be) lost business; all that combine to keep your organization’s productivity low.

Here is what role technology can play. At the very time of induction of employees into the organization, if they are given a physical tour of the facility as well as a virtual tour on your LMS, they get acquainted with the company and very well know what their specific roles are. Moreover, don’t you think employee motivation gets a boost when they have advanced yet user-friendly tools to assist them on the job and while training? Let’s give you an example:

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Nike used iPods attached to lanyards on the company’s sales floor so that a Nike retail sales associate could access any information about any of the product categories like footwear, apparel or sports equipment. Consider the amount of time that is saved in each transaction this way: no searching around in the store, no confusions, plus accurate retrieval and updation of information. Not to forget the happier sales employees who don’t have to spend their energies running around the here and there.

On the training front, a research conducted in the hotel industry in Portugal revealed that the elearning form of training gives a significant boost to productivity and production volume, besides contributing to employees’ motivation.

Why? Because skilled and up-to-date employees will take better and quicker decisions. Creating a web-based learning environment allows your training department to keep abreast of the changes in industry while also giving flexibility to learners to learn without overtly disturbing their work schedule. All of this without being dependent on the geographical locations of you all your learners. It goes without saying that the extra hours they earn because of no “training-interruptions” helps them maintain continuity in working and deliver quality performance.

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